{Registration} TS Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2024 Online Form (Telangana)

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TS Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2024

We would like to inform our readers through this article that, K. {Registration} TS Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2024 Online Form (Telangana) Chandrashekhar Rao (Chief Minister of Telangana) has laid the foundation stone of a scheme to provide unemployment allowance for educated unemployed in his state which is, ‘ “TS Nirudyoga Bruthi Scheme 2024”.

Let us know, what are these plans and what will be the effect of this scheme on our unemployed?

  • Chandrasekhar Rao, who is the Chief Minister of Telangana, has launched this scheme to improve the economic condition of educated youth unemployed in his state, under which an amount of Rs. 3,016 will be given to these educated youth unemployed every month under unemployment allowance
A.P. Yuva Nesham Scheme-

Let us tell you that the AP Yuva Nethham Yojana, which is being run by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, is the original scheme on the lines of which the Chief Minister of Telangana has launched the TS Niruddhayoga Brthi Scheme 2024 in his state.

What can be the effect of unemployed youth?

Its effect on unemployed youth can be something like this-

  • This will provide economic empowerment of unemployed youth,
  • This will determine their financial security,
  • By this they will be able to seek Rojgar for themselves in a better way,
  • The financial amount received from this scheme will provide relief from domestic pressure and stress,
  • It will also improve the domestic condition of these unemployed youth.

The above are the effects that can be had on unemployed youth under this scheme as well as their economic condition can improve to a great extent.

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Your eligibility will be decided on the basis of these criteria-

The list of criteria on which your eligibility will be tested to avail the benefits of this scheme is as follows:

Civil Eligibility-

  • To avail this scheme, the applicant must be a native of Telangana,

Age Eligibility-

The age eligibility of the beneficiary is as follows-

  • The beneficiary must be at least 22 years old,
  • The beneficiary age should be maximum 35 years.

 Academic Eligibility

  • Applicants should have graduated from any recognized university,
  • Diploma and ITI pass students are also eligible under this scheme.

Financial Eligibility-

  • Under this, the applicant should be below the poverty line and should have a white ration card.
  • After fulfilling the above eligibility, you can easily avail this scheme.

List of those who are deprived of this scheme-

The list of those who are deprived of this scheme are as follows-

  • Those who have land of up to 2.50 or 5 acres are ineligible for this scheme,
  • Those who have their own four-wheelers are not eligible for this scheme,
  • Anyone who has a history of criminal acts or has been dismissed from a government job for some reason is disqualified,
  • Those who have taken a loan of Rs 50 from a state or central bank are ineligible.

Those who fulfill the above points are not eligible for this scheme.

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Documents Required to apply

The list of documents required to apply in this scheme are as follows:

  • Periodic certificate,
  • Photograph and signature of the applicant
  • All academic documents,
  • Aadhar Card,
  • Birth certificate,
  • Caste certificate,
  • Ration Card (BPS or White),
  • Proof of annual family income etc.

The above documents may be required to apply in this scheme.

How to Apply For TS Nirudyoga Bruthi 2024

The complete process of application for this scheme is as follows-

  • First of all, you have to go to its official website,
  • Click on the “Registration” link,
  • Fill the subsequent registration form carefully,
  • After registration fill the application form very carefully,
  • After entering all the information, upload the necessary documents related to the scheme,
  • After this, you submit your application form,
  • After this, you will get a copy of your application, which will contain your application number and necessary information.

After successfully following the above steps, your application will be accepted for this scheme.

How to check the status of your application-

After applying successfully, you can check the status of your application very easily, for which you will have to follow some minor steps which are as follows-

  • First you go to its official portal,
  • Click on the “Check Status” link,
  • Enter your application number and click “Check Status”
  • After this you will be able to see the status of your application.

By following the above steps, you will be able to easily see the status of your application as well as every information related to your application will be sent to you on the registered mobile and new information related to the scheme will also be sent to the same number.

Finally, our young unemployed can make their future through this scheme and with the help of this scheme can achieve a better place.

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